
2024/4/14 7:25:40


Generates SQL INSERTs for defining services in the security table S_SERVICE, reads each Actions config.xml under /WEB-INF/action or the path level you define, and prints SQL statements SecurityGen.java


提起VS2003的宏,可能有的人常用,有的人从来不用。可是,对于我这种“能让机器干,就自己绝不动手”的人来说,肯定还是会用到的。常常为了写宏没有写代码而挨批, 自己写的宏一般都比较专用,专门用…


forEach()为JavaScript(ES5)的方法,而each()方法是JQuery的方法。 forEach() 方法用于调用数组的每个元素,并将元素传递给回调函数。 注意: forEach() 对于空数组是不会执行回调函数的。 forEach()的回调函数有三个参数,index,v…

poj_1274 The Perfect Stall

The Perfect Stall Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 14473 Accepted: 6621 题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id1274 Description Farmer John completed his new barn just last week, complete with all the latest milking tec…

罗伯特.T.清崎的一封信 zt

source: http://www.fubaba.com/cashflow/game_2.jsp 亲爱的现金流学员们: 我想送给你们一些我都不曾送给我父母的东西! 当我还是个小男孩的时候,看到爸爸妈妈为了金钱不断争吵,我伤透了心。虽然他们可算是有着美满的婚姻&#xf…

【我所認知的BIOS】—PCI 的中斷(PIC下)

【我所認知的BIOS】—>PCI 的中斷(PIC下) LightSeed 2009-5-13 1、PCI中斷概述 注:整篇都是討論在PIC(8259)下的中斷過程。當PCI設備插到主板上後(本來南橋裏含有的當然就不用插啦&…


source: http://blog.csdn.net/iyanglian/archive/2004/08/23/82570.aspx 亲爱的建筑师先生:请帮我设计一所房子。我不太确定我想要的到底是什么样的一所房子,你完全可以按照你习惯的思路来设计。房子的卧室数量在2到45个之间。你的设计方案应该是灵活可…


代码示例演示一个允许选择多项的ListView。其实也就是把ListView.MultiSelect属性值设置为true,这样便能够同时选择多个列表项了。相反,则一次只能选择一个。默认属性值为true。 该示例演示如何设置HideSelection和HeaderStyle属性。它还演示了ColumnHea…


我在学习 《Linux设备驱动程序(第3版)》的 第九章 与硬件通信 时,对 I\O总线的概念 不是很清晰,所以查找了有关资料。现在总结如下:本文的参考资料:1、 《AMBA、AHB、APB总线简介》 作者 adamzhao 日期 200…


ATCNUM是向SIM卡查询本机号码的。 但是你必须先把这个号码写到SIM卡里面。 因为无论移动或者联通的SIM卡,买给用户的时候都没有把本机号码写到SIM卡内。 一旦你把本机号码写到了SIM卡内,无论你把这张SIM卡插到那台手机,用ATCNUM都可以查…




What is AIDC? Why is it good for your business? Automatic Identification and Data Collection (AIDC) are the terms used to describe direct entry of data into a computer system, programmable logic controller (PLC) or other microprocessor-controlled device…

java 遍历 map

示例:Map maps new HashMap();maps.put("1", "A");maps.put("2", "B");maps.put("3", "C");maps.put("4", "D");//1Iterator it1 maps.entrySet().iterator();while(it1.hasNex…

poj_1797 Heavy Transportation

Heavy Transportation Time Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 15487 Accepted: 4026 题目链接http://poj.org/problem?id1797 Description Background Hugo Heavy is happy. After the breakdown of the Cargolifter project he can nowex…

Ehcache 1.5.0 User Guide - Code Samples 代码实例 (1)

Ehcache 1.5.0 User Guide - Code Samples代码实例1 Ehcache 1.5.0 用户指南) E_mail:jianglike18163.con Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/jianglike18 qq:29396597 8、Code Samples(代码实例) This page shows some of the more common cod…

busybox 交叉编译

1, 下载busybox,http://www.busybox.net/ 2, 下载arm-linux 交叉编译工具链arm-linux-gcc-3.4.5 3,进入busybox文件夹,makemenuconfig Busybox Settings ---> Build Options ---> [*] BuildBusyBox as …

Princeton vs Berkeley,俺的看法

看了前面几篇关于Princeton与Berkeley的比较, 真是涨了一些见识。 这个问题对俺有现实意义,因为俺正在这两者之间艰苦地抉择。 Princeton是全奖,Berkeley还在讨价还价阶段。 教授不知是真不懂规矩,还是有意。说给我一个GSR&#x…

poj_2075 Tangled in Cables

Tangled in Cables Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 4841 Accepted: 1947 题目连接:http://poj.org/problem?id2075 Description You are the owner of SmallCableCo and have purchased thefranchise rights for a small town.…



写一个块设备驱动 (12)

第12章 --------------------------------------------------- | 写一个块设备驱动 | --------------------------------------------------- | 作者:赵磊 | | email: zhaoleiddhotmail.c…

poj_1679 The Unique MST

The Unique MST Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 14582 Accepted: 5035 题目连接:http://poj.org/problem?id1679 Description Given a connected undirectedgraph, tell if its minimum spanning tree is unique. Definition …

poj_1258 Agri-Net

Agri-Net Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 28121 Accepted: 11149 题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id1258 Description Farmer John has been electedmayor of his town! One of his campaign promises was to bring internet…

Linux命令trap - 在脚本中处理信号 例子

在Linux中,trap命令主要用于接收信号并采取行动,信号是异步发送到一个程序的事件,在默认情况下,可以终止一个程序,trap命令原型如下: trap command signal signal是指接收到的信号,command是接…

poj_2352 Stars ( 线段树)

Stars Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 22828 Accepted: 9949 题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id2352 Description Astronomers often examine star maps wherestars are represented by points on a plane and each star has…

poj_1469 COURSES

COURSES Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 13861 Accepted: 5481 题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id1469 Description Consider a group of N students and P courses.Each student visits zero, one or more than one courses…

poj_2230 Watchcow

Watchcow Time Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 4550 Accepted: 1898 Special Judge 题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id2230 Description Bessies been appointed thenew watch-cow for the farm. Every night, its her job to wa…


所谓函数适配器&#xff0c;也就是将一个仿函数或者另一个仿函数&#xff08;或者数值&#xff09;结合成新的仿函数。它声明与 <functional>中&#xff0c;如以下的定义find_if (coll.begin(),coll.end(),bind2nd(greater<int>(),42)); 常用的预定义的函数适配器…

poj-2388 Who's in the Middle

题目连接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id2388 Whos in the MiddleTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 22478 Accepted: 12864 Description FJ is surveying his herd to find the most average cow. He wants to know how much milk this medi…

1_3 XML中嵌入JavaScript和Perl脚本

<?xml version"1.0" encoding"utf-8"?><home.page><para>This is text containing two processing instructions,<?javascript I can put whatever I like here?><?prel And I can put whatever I like here too?>one…


(C)cout格式化输出示例2009-09-10 09:04//<iostream>在使用setf等库函数时使用//<iomanip>在使用流操纵算子时使用//using namespace std;//以下所有的setf()都有对应的unsetf()用于取消设置//所有的setiosflags()可以用resetiosflags()取消//标志位fmtflags的命名…

Linux Device和Driver注册过程,以及Probe的时机

田海立CSDN 2011/08/26 Linux 2.6的设备驱动模型中&#xff0c;所有的device都是通过Bus相连。device_register() / driver_register()执行时通过枚举BUS上的Driver/Device来实现绑定&#xff0c;本文详解这一过程。这是整个LINUX设备驱动的基础&#xff0c;PLATFORM设备&…


当你在某个缓存中存储数据时&#xff0c;常常需要在运行时调整该缓存的大小&#xff0c;以便能容纳更多的数据。 下面是一个增加初始缓存大小的例子&#xff1a; 仔细琢磨一下........ // console.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include &quo…

Friendship 友谊--我最宝贵的财富

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/01 10:39 国际在线   语音讲解&#xff1a;      如不能正常收听请点击此处   Administrators and authority figures like to speak in clichs. All my life I heard the same trite line: "You can tell a lot about a person…

hdu_1166 Counting Black

Counting Black Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 8951 Accepted: 5775 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id1656 Description There is a board with 100 *100 grids as shown below. The left-top gird is denoted as (1, 1) a…


碰到accumarray 这个函数是在Steve的文章[1 ]中。 这是一个很灵活的build-in函数&#xff0c;所以是没有m文件&#xff0c;看不到实现代码的。 开始理解起来比较拗&#xff0c;看了看例子知道什么意思了。 Matlab的Help [2 ]里这么说&#xff1a; accumarray groups elements …


【我所認知的BIOS】—>實模式&保護模式切换实例 LightSeed 2009-6-23 上一章從基礎概念上我談了談我的理解。素不知“紙上得來終覺淺&#xff0c;絕知此事要躬行”呀&#xff01;不多說二話&#xff0c;我們來詳細剖析實模式和保護模式的相互切換。&…


这里基本上和之前讲到的思路一致&#xff0c;同样是继承静态基类&#xff0c;StaticBase类&#xff0c;不过这个扩展类所实例化的参数有别&#xff0c;由于功能运用于分页&#xff0c;所以参数里考虑到总记录数和每页显示的记录数&#xff0c;这样就可以计算出总共有几页 page…

LINQ To XML:按文档定义的元素顺序显示元素InDocumentOrder

这个发生挺有意思的&#xff0c;有时候我们打乱文档元素原有的顺序&#xff0c;比方说对元素顺序进行倒转Reverse 但是有时候又需要取回原有的顺序&#xff0c;这个时候就可以使用InDocumentOrder,下面是例子 XDocument xDocument new XDocument( new XElement("BookPar…

poj_2263 Heavy Cargo (Dijkstra)

Heavy Cargo Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 2264 Accepted: 1252 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id2263 Description Big Johnsson Trucks Inc. is acompany specialized in manufacturing big trucks. Their latest model…

poj_2485 Highways

Highways Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 16037 Accepted: 7460 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id2485 Description The island nation of Flatopiais perfectly flat. Unfortunately, Flatopia has no public highways. So…

POJ2485 求最小生成树的最大边长度

此题关键要理解输出的定义 For each test case, you should output a line contains an integer, which is the length of the longest road to be built such that all the villages are connected, and this value is minimum.输出是最小生成树中最长边的长度 对prim算法稍作…


注&#xff1a;以下内容部分总结自51testing论坛。 应用场景 假设有3个不同的测试场景&#xff0c;分别为并发登录、核心业务、可靠性测试&#xff0c;3个场景有先后执行顺序。由于白天测试机器另有用处&#xff0c;只能在晚上进行性能测试&#xff0c;这时我们的期望是能否把测…

poj Nearest Common Ancestors(LCA+Tarjan)

【题目大意】&#xff1a;给定一棵树&#xff0c;求两点的最近公共祖先 【解题思路】&#xff1a;LCA问题&#xff0c;Tarjan离线算法可解。模版测试 【Tarjan算法】&#xff1a; Tarjan算法是基于对图深度优先搜索的算法&#xff0c;每个强连通分量为搜索树中的一棵子树。搜索…




本文出自: http://blog.csdn.net/hongchangfirst 上次讲了Linux进程描述符&#xff0c;这次我们在讲讲内存描述符&#xff0c;Linux的内存描述符也用一个结构体来表示&#xff0c;具体是mm_struct结构体&#xff0c;在linux/mm_types.h里定义。Linux操作系统就是用这个结构体实…


今天用JQuery解决一个选择的问题&#xff0c;因为id或者class都不能相同。但是定义了多个class全都去写js的话又太复杂了&#xff0c;这时就想到了for&#xff0c;JQ里面的for是each这里简单的介绍一下它的用法&#xff0c;主要是完成上面描述class多个的问题。 for(int i 0;i…

zoj_2966 Build TheElectric System

B - Build TheElectric System Crawling in process...Crawlingfailed Time Limit:2000MS Memory Limit:65536KB 64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status 题目连接&#xff1a;http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode2966 Descr…


第11章 --------------------------------------------------- | 写一个块设备驱动 | --------------------------------------------------- | 作者&#xff1a;赵磊 | | email: zhaoleiddhotmail.c…

写一个块设备驱动 (3)

第3章 --------------------------------------------------- | 写一个块设备驱动 | --------------------------------------------------- | 作者&#xff1a;赵磊 | | email: zhaoleiddhotmail.co…


source:http://jcraane.blogspot.com/2009/02/introduction-to-genetic-algorithms-with.html 偶然遇见的好文章&#xff0c;共享之。 Introduction to Genetic Algorithms with JGAP Out of interest I am familiarizing myself in genetic algorithms, in short GA. My int…

poj_3468 A Simple Problem with Integers

A Simple Problem with Integers Time Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 131072K Total Submissions: 31675 Accepted: 8989 Case Time Limit: 2000MS 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id3468 Description You have N integers, A1, A2,... ,AN. You need t…

2410/2440 中IO端口PULL-UP寄存器

S3C2410的I/O口&#xff0c;datasheet上P266上面有这样一段话&#xff1a; PORT PULL-UP REGISTER (GPBUP-GPHUP)The port pull-up register controls the pull-up resister enable/disable of each port group. When the correspondingbit is 0, the pull-up resister of th…


http://hi.baidu.com/lanyanzhiji217/blog/item/2d019d3ef519a63870cf6c49.html 本文以List容器为例子&#xff0c;介绍了STL的基本内容&#xff0c;从容器到迭代器&#xff0c;再到普通函数&#xff0c;而且例子丰富&#xff0c;通俗易懂。不失为STL的入门文章&#xff0c;新…


<!DOCTYPE html> <html><meta charset"UTF-8"><head><title>使用each()方法遍历元素</title><script src"http://libs.baidu.com/jquery/1.9.0/jquery.js" type"text/javascript"></script> &l…


CPU在内核中运行时并不是处处不可抢占的&#xff0c;内核中存在一些空隙&#xff0c;在这时进行抢占是安全的&#xff0c;内核抢占补丁的基本原理就是将SMP可并行的代码段看成是可以进行内核抢占的区域。 Linux 2.4内核正好细化了多CPU下的内核线程同步机构&#xff0c;对不可…


8、转换哈希表为数组 要转换整个哈希表为一个数组&#xff0c;使用to_a方法。在结果数组中&#xff0c;键将被做为奇数元素(从零开始)&#xff0c;值将被做为数组的偶数元素&#xff1a;h { "a">1,"b">2}h.to_a# ["a",1,"b",2]…

poj_1135 Domino Effect

Domino Effect Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5637 Accepted: 1425 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id1135 Description Did you know that you can use domino bones for otherthings besides playing Dominoes? Take a n…


首先&#xff0c;新建个文本文件&#xff0c;输入下面这些&#xff1a;&#xff08;直接复制到记事本就行&#xff09;ON ERROR RESUME NEXTDim VOL_PROD_KEYif Wscript.arguments.count<1 thenVOL_PROD_KEYInputBox("Powered By www.cnbeta.com"&vbCr&vb…




作者&#xff1a;李智敏,华清远见嵌入式学院上海中心讲师。 从Linux2.6内核起&#xff0c;引入一套新的驱动管理和注册机制&#xff1a;platform_device 和 platform_driver 。Linux 中大部分的设备驱动&#xff0c;都可以使用这套机制&#xff0c;设备用 platform_device 表示…

[BBC地道英语] Bottom line 最低价格

Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Helen.Zoe: 大家好&#xff0c;我是刘佳。Helen, 今天咱们要学的是什么最新表达呢&#xff1f; Helen: Today’s new expression is ‘bottom line’.Zoe: Bottom line. Helen, 这个短语说的是什么啊&#xff1f…

poj_1129 Channel Allocation

Channel Allocation Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 9669 Accepted: 4919 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id1129 Description When a radio station is broadcasting over a very largearea, repeaters are used to retransm…


创建完成xml文件以后需要vba读取&#xff0c;一下则是vba读取xml文件过程。 Dim xmlDoc, xmlRoot, ChildItem, msgSet xmlDoc CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLDOM")xmlDoc.Load "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\test\web.xml" 使用load方…


触发器是特定事件出现的时候&#xff0c;自动执行的代码块。类似于存储过程&#xff0c;但是用户不能直接调用他们。功能&#xff1a;1、 允许/限制对表的修改2、 自动生成派生列&#xff0c;比如自增字段3、 强制数据一致性4、 提供审计和日志记录5、 防止无效的事务处理6、 启…

jquery 里的each使用方法

each()方法能使DOM循环结构简洁&#xff0c;不容易出错。each()函数封装了十分强大的遍历功能&#xff0c;使用也很方便&#xff0c;它可以遍历一维数组、多维数组、DOM, JSON 等等 在javaScript开发过程中使用$each可以大大的减轻我们的工作量。 下面提一下each的几种常用的…

poj-3258 River Hopscotch

题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id3258 River HopscotchTime Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 3829 Accepted: 1649 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully …

poj-1730 Perfect Pth Powers

题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id1730 Perfect Pth PowersTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 13099 Accepted: 2990 Description We say that x is a perfect square if, for some integer b, x b2. Similarly, x is a perfect cube …

poj_1041 John's trip

Johns trip Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5455 Accepted: 1774 Special Judge 题目链&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id1041 Description Little Johnny has got a new car. He decided to drivearound the town to v…

poj_1789 Truck History

Truck History Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 12456 Accepted: 4713 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id1789 Description Advanced Cargo Movement, Ltd.uses trucks of different types. Some trucks are used for vegetab…

poj_3687 Labeling Balls

Labeling Balls Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 7681 Accepted: 2060 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id3687 Description Windy has N balls of distinct weights from 1unitto Nunits. Now he tries to label them with…

poj_3923 Ugly Windows

Ugly Windows Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 822 Accepted: 228 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id3923 Description Sheryl works for a softwarecompany in the country of Brada. Her job is to develop a Windows opera…

poj_3925 Minimal Ratio Tree

Minimal Ratio Tree Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 836 Accepted: 304 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id3925 Description For a tree, which nodes and edges are all weighted, the ratio of it iscalculated according …

poj_1671 Phone List

Phone List Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit:32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 4602 Accepted Submission(s): 1557 题目连接&#xff1a;http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid1671 Problem Description Given a list of p…

hdu_4190 DistributingBallot Boxes

DistributingBallot Boxes Time Limit: 20000/10000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit:65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 310 Accepted Submission(s): 154 题目链接&#xff1a;http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid4190 Problem Description Tod…


nutch1.2 修改jsp页面后&#xff0c;想打包部署到tomcat中&#xff0c;有几个地方需要修改的。 其中一个地方&#xff0c;当然是搜索的索引路径了. nutch-site.xml <property> <name>searcher.dir</name> <value>F:/nutch/test</va…


发信人: podongfeng (东风破), 信区: NewBoy 标 题: 男人一生最该去的49个地方&#xff01;(男人看一看,你去过几个&#xff1f;&#xff09; 发信站: 一塌糊涂 BBS (Fri Jul 9 20:53:07 2004), 本站(ytht.net) 男人一生最该去的49个地方&#xff0c;到目前为止&#xff0c…


struct是编程的重要部分&#xff0c;学好struct非常重要&#xff0c;本文参考网友与自己总结&#xff0c;适合初学者&#xff0c;或者想了解linux内核对struct的利用。 编写的代码在linux下gcc可编译通过。 # gcc mylist.c -o mylist [jinyonglocalhost 888]$ lslist.h myli…

因用了NeatUpload大文件上传控件而导致Nonfile portion 4194304 bytes错误的解决方法

NeatUpload是一个开源的大文件上传控件&#xff0c;非常的强大&#xff0c;支持文件类型过滤、上传进度条显示、多文件上传等强大的功能。 但部署至项目后&#xff0c;有些地方用普通的FileUpload上传时却发生了一个错误&#xff08;Nonfile portion > 4194304 bytes&#…

深入分析 Linux 内核链表

一、 链表数据结构简介 链表是一种常用的组织有序数据的数据结构&#xff0c;它通过指针将一系列数据节点连接成一条数据链&#xff0c;是线性表的一种重要实现方式。相对于数组&#xff0c;链表具有更好的动态性&#xff0c;建立链表时无需预先知道数据总量&#xff0c;可以随…

POJ 1207 求最大数链长度 暴力枚举数学题

这个题目直接用的暴力枚举&#xff0c;但是还是WA了几次 原因是这句话You should process all pairs of integers and for each pair determine the maximum cycle length over all integers between and including i and j. 注意i可能大于j&#xff0c;此时需要交换顺序&a…

Mastering Oracle SQL学习:连接 (转载)

Oracle SQL JOIN 1&#xff0e;JOIN的基本概念&#xff1a; A join is a SQL query that extracts information from two or more tables or views. When you specify multiple tables or views in the FROM clause of a query, Oracle performs a join, linking rows from mu…

Ehcache 1.5.0 User Guide - Cache Concepts (缓存概念)

Ehcache 1.5.0 User Guide - Cache Concepts &#xff08;缓存概念&#xff09; &#xff08;Ehcache 1.5.0 用户指南&#xff09; E_mail:jianglike18163.con Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/jianglike18 qq:29396597 5、Cache Concepts &#xff08;缓存概念&#xff09; …


漫谈 Clustering (3): Gaussian Mixture Model by pluskid, on 2009-02-02, in Machine Learning 96 comments本文是“漫谈 Clustering 系列”中的第 4 篇&#xff0c;参见本系列的其他文章。 上一次我们谈到了用 k-means 进行聚类的方法&#xff0c;这次我们来说一下另一个…


前几天刚刚发了一篇 pb调用.net组件的实践  但是遇到了汉字乱吗的问题。经过测试&#xff0c;在pb9中调用不会出现乱码。但是由于原来的项目是用pb7写的。全部转移到pb9上的工作量是很大的。所以不能离开pb7的环境。最后采用了汉字转换成byte数据的方式解决了这个问题。 类代码…

Google Earth 体验

Google Earth 体验 Peter Lee 2005.05.12 videosky.9126.com Google Earth是什么&#xff1f;电子版的地球仪&#xff0c;坐在电脑前巡游世界的工具&#xff0c;从整个地球的画面zoom到每个街道的工具。我第一次接触Google Earth&#xff0c;就被它的强大功能深深地震住了。下…


1.$(selector).each(function(index,element))2.$.each(dataresource,function(index,element)) 接下来就对这两个函数做深入的探讨&#xff1a; 1.$(selector).each(function(index,element)) 作用&#xff1a;在dom处理上面用的较多 &#xff08;html 元素、节点&#xff…


概述 $Each 是一个常见的 JavaScript 库或框架中的方法&#xff0c;用于迭代数组或对象的元素&#xff0c;并生成相应的 HTML 或其他内容。具体用法如下&#xff1a; 使用方法 1、使用数组迭代&#xff1a; const fruits [apple, banana, orange]; $.each(fruits, (fruit, …


1 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美. No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world. 2 爱情是一个精心设计的谎言 Love is a carefully designed lie. 3 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见 Promises are often…


一个简单的示例&#xff08;来自MATLAB help for qtdecomp&#xff09;&#xff1a; 原始矩阵&#xff1a; I 1 1 1 1 2 3 6 6 1 1 2 1 4 5 6 8 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 6 6…

修改eth5为eth0 [复制链接]

http://bbs.chinaunix.net/thread-1964789-1-1.html 修改eth5为eth0 <!---->[复制链接] 分享到&#xff1a; <!-- -->gamester88 gamester88 当前离线 空间积分0 信誉积分50 UID17135777阅读权限100积分1025帖子4467精华1可用积分1026 专家积分20 在线时间3751 小…


转载&#xff1a; http://scikit-learn.sourceforge.net/dev/auto_examples/cluster/plot_cluster_comparison.html Comparing different clustering algorithms on toy datasets This example aims at showing characteristics of different clustering algorithms on dataset…

poj_1523 SPF (求割点)

SPF Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 3790 Accepted: 1727 题目连接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id1523 Description Consider the two networks shown below.Assuming that data moves around these networks only between direct…

poj 2239 Selecting Courses

Selecting Courses Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 7144 Accepted: 3141 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id2239 Description It is well knownthat it is not easy to select courses in the college, for there is usually…

poj_2536 Gopher II

Gopher II Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5341 Accepted: 2216 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id2536 Description The gopher family, having averted the caninethreat, must face a new predator. The are n gophers …

poj_1656 Counting Black

Counting Black Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 8951 Accepted: 5775 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id1656 Description There is a board with 100 *100 grids as shown below. The left-top gird is denoted as (1, 1) a…


建立一个临时表&#xff1a; CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE northsnow_tmp( northsnow_id varchar2(20))ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; 在业务表上创建一个行级触发器&#xff1a; create or replace trigger trg_northsnow after insert on tb_nor…

Philip J. Fry Problem

Philip J. Fry Problem Time Limit:2000MS Memory Limit:0KB 64bit IO Format:%lld& %llu Submit Status Practice UVA 12324 Description 题目链接&#xff1a;http://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?optioncom_onlinejudge&Itemid8&pageshow_pr…

poj 2349 Arctic Network

Arctic Network Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5764 Accepted: 2007 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id2349 Description The Department of NationalDefence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wire…

poj_2240 Arbitrage

Arbitrage Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 10954 Accepted: 4608 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id2240 Description Arbitrage is the use of discrepancies in currencyexchange rates to transform one unit of a curren…



K均值 模糊c均值

matlab帮助--统计工具箱--Multivariate Statistics--clusteranalysis&#xff0c;里面是实例&#xff0c;K-mean和c-mean是一回事 在help-search中搜 fuzzy cluster&#xff0c;就有相应函数了&#xff0c;fcm clusterT kmeans(mm,clusternum);%mm 为样本按行排列&#xff0c…


18、对数组迭代 Array类有个我们希望的标准的迭代器each。但是&#xff0c;它还其它很有用的迭代器。reverse_each 方法以逆序迭代。它先使用reverse计算然后使用each&#xff0c;但它更快。这儿是个例子&#xff1a;words %w(Son I am able she said)str ""words.…


原文地址为&#xff1a; 在jstl标签中forEach标签遍历Map<% page import"java.util.Map" %> <% page import"java.util.HashMap" %> <% taglib prefix"c" uri"http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %> <% Map map…

hdu 3346

水题&#xff0c;太简单了&#xff0c;就是写代码&#xff0c;想都不用想 Problem DescriptionTo Chinese people, 8 is a lucky number. Now your task is to judge if a number is lucky.We say a number is lucky if it’s a multiple of 8, or the sum of digits that make…


编译busybox&#xff0c;动态链接与静态链接的选择 进入解压后的Busybox-1.10.1目录&#xff0c;运行make menuconfig或make gconfig进行配置。 在进行配置时有几项需要注意&#xff1a; Build Options&#xff0d;> Build BusyBox as a static binary (no shared libs)…

poj_1125 Stockbroker Grapevine

Stockbroker Grapevine Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 20810 Accepted: 11278 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id1125 Description Stockbrokers are known to overreact to rumours. You havebeen contracted to dev…

poj_1386 Play on Words(欧拉路)

Play on Words Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 7173 Accepted: 2519 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id1386 Description Some of the secret doorscontain a very interesting word puzzle. The team of archaeologis…

poj_2560 Freckles

Freckles Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5248 Accepted: 2720 题目&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id2560 Description In an episode of the Dick VanDyke show, little Richie connects the freckles on his Dads back to form ap…

poj-1152 An Easy Problem!

题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id1152 An Easy Problem!Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 7708 Accepted: 1847 Description Have you heard the fact "The base of every normal number system is 10" ? Of course, I am…


递归查询文件名.vbs dim ws,fso,f,fd,files,tmpname,url,result,preFixset wscreateobject("wscript.shell") set fso CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set fd fso.getfolder(ws.currentdirectory) set filesfd.files 生成前缀resultws.cur…


查询文件名(带日期及大小)_0714_1655.vbs dim ws,fso,f,fd,files,tmpname,url,result,preFixset wscreateobject("wscript.shell") set fso CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set fd fso.getfolder(ws.currentdirectory) set filesfd.files …


tips: 当哈希表中的关键字由多个单词组成时&#xff0c;可使用引号注明&#xff0c;$hash{ice cream}。 在表上下文中&#xff0c;each函数从哈希表返回键/值对&#xff08;作为表&#xff09;&#xff1b;在标量上下文中&#xff0c;这个函数返回哈希表中下一个元素的键。 $…

poj_2492 A Bug's Life (并查集)

A Bugs Life Time Limit: 10000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 21871 Accepted: 7142 题目链接&#xff1a;http://poj.org/problem?id2492 Description Background Professor Hopper is researching the sexual behavior of a rare species of bugs.He a…

*** glibc detected *** mainwindow: malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted: 0x01a73ab8 ***

1.先看看在glibc malloc的实现机制 /* This struct declaration is misleading (but accurate and necessary). It declares a "view" into memory allowing access to necessary fields at known offsets from a given base. See explanation below. */ st…


经过反复的尝试&#xff0c;已经实现了PB7.0调用vs.net 2005 开发的组件的方法。虽然还有一点技术问题没有解决&#xff0c;但是主要的难点都已经攻克。本文将发一个刚刚完成的小例子来说明一下。 本例用的是 pb7.0 和 vs.net2005 &#xff0b;vb.net 首先将.net组件封装成 …


1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力&#xff0c;结果往往出人意料) 2.Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事&#xff0c;也可理解为傻人有傻福) 3.Miracles happen every day. (奇迹每天都在发生) 4.It made…


8题只做出4题比较easy的题&#xff0c;而且做得挺麻烦&#xff0c;看来还要多练练。 AC的题如下 NEUOJ 1112 I Love Apple DescriptionSo many people love apple and there is a problem about apple.An Apple Word is a word that consists of only the letters A, P, L, …


美国专利和商标局今天正式授予了苹果公司16个新专利。其中第二项专利和最后一项专利最为重要&#xff0c;前者涉及到苹果被称为“Numbers”的电子表格应用程序&#xff0c;这个应用程序是iWork Suite的一部分&#xff1b;后者则与出现于2007年的多点触控相关。苹果赢得多点触控…

ORACLE 中ID自动增加字段

自动增加字 CREATE TABLE t_topic ( topicId NUMBER(18,0) NOT NULL , -- 主题ID topicTitle VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , -- 主题名 topicContent varchar2(2000) NOT NULL , -- 主题内容 to…


转载自http://hi.baidu.com/%C5%DD%B0%C9%BA%C8%BE%C6/blog/item/667eb6ae038daecb7cd92ac4.html动态规划是用空间换时间的一种方法的抽象。其关键是发现子问题和记录其结果。然后利用这些结果减轻运算量。比如01背包问题。 因为背包最大容量M未知。所以&#xff0c;我们的程序…

MySQL 触发器简单实例

~~语法~~ CREATE TRIGGER <触发器名称> --触发器必须有名字&#xff0c;最多64个字符&#xff0c;可能后面会附有分隔符.它和MySQL中其他对象的命名方式基本相象. { BEFORE | AFTER } --触发器有执行的时间设置&#xff1a;可以设置为事件发生前或后。 { INSERT | UPD…

unix process control

下面是一篇关于unix进程管理的文章&#xff0c;摘自《Automating System Administration with perl》即查看当前系统的活动进程&#xff0c;进程状态&#xff0c;进程资源占用情况&#xff0c;等等。文章介绍了四种方法&#xff1a;调用外部的PS程序&#xff1b;读内核的进程表…


在电商平台中&#xff0c;我们有时需要对用户订单进行一些聚合计算&#xff0c;如订单总数有多少&#xff0c;总金额有多少&#xff0c;平均价格是多少&#xff0c;而实现这个特性基本有下面几个办法&#xff1a; 一&#xff0c; 每次查询这些聚合信息的时候&#xff0c;直接执…


Ralph Kimball在《The Data Warehouse Toolkit》一书中&#xff0c;将维度建模的过程归纳为四个步骤&#xff1a; 确定业务流程(Select the business process to model) 确定分析粒度(Declare the grain of the business process) 确定维度(Choose the dimensions that apply …


// //TITLE: // WinCE虚拟串口驱动(一) //AUTHOR: // norains //DATE: // Saturday 28-March-2009 //Environment: // WINDOWS CE 5.0 // 用过串口进行开发的朋友应该都知道&#xff0c;串口驱动是一个典型的独占设备。简单点来说&#xff0c;就是在成…

bootloader 之Option.inc

;; NAME: OPTION.A; DESC: Configuration options for .S files; HISTORY:; 02.28.2002: ver 0.0; 03.11.2003: ver 0.0 attached for 2440.; jan E, 2004: ver0.03 modified for 2440A01.;;这个Option.inc文件主要是为设置时钟服务的&#xff0c;选择好分频系数 ;Start addr…


生成PDF的第三方库AlivePDFAlivePDF 0.1.5RC(For FB) MyReportto PDF的代码示例 //外部方式向ReportViewer.Instance添加自定义PDF导出按钮 privatefunctionInitCustomButtons():void { varexportPDF:ToolButton newToolButton(); exportPDF.width 23; exportPDF.setStyle…

转载 UltraWebGrid的添加、修改、删除

经过几天奋战&#xff0c;终于搞定UltraWebGrid的添加、修改、删除,为避免各位仁兄少走弯路&#xff0c;特公告如下&#xff0c;请各位高手圈点&#xff1a; Imports System.DataImports System.Data.SqlClientImports Infragistics.SharedImports Infragistics.WebUIPublic C…

英语名言录:富兰克林 十三条箴言(双语)

http://www.en8848.com.cn/yingyu/33/n-125933.html 1 节制 [Temperance] Eat not to dullness and drink not to elevation. 食不可饱&#xff0c;饮不可醉。 2 少言 [Silence] Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. Avoid trifling conversation. …


转载http://column.iresearch.cn/u/mr6/archives/2008/32204.shtml 「QR-Code」就是二维条码&#xff0c;长得像一个黑黑的点点的方框框&#xff0c;通常你会在路旁海报的一角、广告的一隅&#xff0c;还是杂志的某页看到它&#xff0c;只要手机有支援它&#xff0c;只要 拍下…


解读文献&#xff1a;Sparse subspace clustering (cvpr09) 现有的子空间聚类方法&#xff0c;可分为六大类&#xff1a; (本人感觉大都很陌生&#xff0c;) 迭代的&#xff1a;K-subspaces, fitting a subspace to each cluster. 统计的&#xff1a;mixtures of probabilisti…


作者&#xff1a;闻星&#xff08;zwx&#xff09;个人主页&#xff1a;闻星&#xff08;zwx&#xff09; 出处&#xff1a;闻星海湾-敏思博客个人主页&#xff1a;闻星海湾-敏思博客发表于&#xff1a;2004年8月14日 11:12 频道&#xff1a;参考文献 栏目&#xff1a;英语学…


http://www.chemyq.com/expert/ep121/1209737_75480.htm 前言&#xff1a;通过对&#xff23;&#xff2e;&#xff23;系统的故障分析&#xff0c;把数控系统划分为多个子系统&#xff0c;用故障树表示各子系统的故障结构&#xff0c;并用故障树模糊分析方法&#xff0c;对系统…


VBS递归删除文件及文件夹&#xff08;默认是删除VC的临时文件的配置&#xff09; 可配置项isDeleteFileTruefilterToDelete".obj;.ilk;.tlb;.tli;.tlh;.tmp;.rsp;.pgc;.pgd;.ncb"isDeleteSpetialFolderFalsefilterToDeleteFolder"debug;release"dim ws,fs…


原文地址为&#xff1a; java中的foreach循环foreach语句是java5的新特征之一&#xff0c;在遍历数组、集合方面&#xff0c;foreach为开发人员提供了极大的方便。 foreach语句是for语句的特殊简化版本&#xff0c;但是foreach语句并不能完全取代for语句&#xff0c;然而&#…

PowerDesigner 把Comment写到name中 和把name写到Comment中 pd7以后版本可用

在使用PowerDesigner对数据库进行概念模型和物理模型设计时&#xff0c;一般在NAME或Comment中写中文&#xff0c;在Code中写英文。Name用来显 示&#xff0c;Code在代码中使用&#xff0c;但Comment中的文字会保存到数据库Table或Column的Comment中&#xff0c;当Name已经存在…